Our Work Saves Lives
For 28 years we have taken on this health crisis, helping more than a million people worldwide reclaim their health, beauty, and confidence to live full, happy lives.
Solutions that are
backed by research
Clinical studies show that our Be Body Positive Model increases self-compassion, reduces anxiety and depression, and fosters a positive relationship with one’s body image, food, and exercise.

Be Body Positive leaders
in 34 countries and 45 U.S. states have helped more than 1.1 million people live embodied, joyful lives.
educational videos
have been distributed to schools, youth organizations, and families
Healthcare Providers and 213 Schools
have been trained to use the Be Body Positive curriculum
reached worldwide
through media engagements, including TV, radio, print, and podcasts

1 Million+
Lives Changed
Our mission is to end the harmful consequences of negative body image that can result in eating disorders, depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and other mental health issues. Our courses train people to use the 5 evidence-based Competencies of our Be Body Positive Model in their own lives and to bring this transformative work to their schools, clients, and communities.
Curriculum and Training for Schools
Get trained to start a Be Body Positive program in your school or youth organization. Learn practical tools to promote sustainable, healthy self-care behaviors and positive body image as the norm for your students. NEW middle school classroom curriculum now available!
Professional Training
Help your clients heal from eating and body image challenges by teaching them The 5 Competencies of our Be Body Positive Model. These proven tools improve self-image and foster sustainable, positive self-care behaviors in both youth and adults
Courses for Individuals
Learn The 5 Competencies of our Be Body Positive Model to help you build confidence and self-love to face the challenges happening in the world today. These powerful resources will give you renewed energy for taking care of yourself, helping others, and increasing body appreciation. This course is now available in Spanish.

Be Body Positive
The Body Positive’s Declare Your Own Authentic Beauty Course
Includes 5 Videos, 2 Worksheets, and an Ancestral Beauty Meditation!
• Make peace with your body so that you become a source of radiance for others.
• Access more inner joy and pleasure by taking yourself out of the body comparison game so you can improve your friendships.
• Experience the sensation of beauty being much bigger than what you were conditioned to believe it is so that you reduce the amount of time you spend criticizing your appearance.
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