The Be Body Positive Model is comprised of five core Competencies, the fundamental skills we can practice on a daily basis to live peacefully and healthfully in our bodies. Proficiency with these skills allows us to care for ourselves from a place of self-love and appreciation, leading to alignment with our purpose and life goals. Our model defines health as the interconnectedness of physical, psychological, and emotional needs in human beings. The Competencies of Reclaim Health, Practice Intuitive Self-Care, Cultivate Self-Love, Declare Your Own Authentic Beauty, and Build Community establish foundational building blocks that honor individual authority as the primary path to positive change.
Rather than dictating a restrictive or prescriptive set of rules to follow, we use practical tools, inspiration, and support to empower people to find their own way to lasting health and greater happiness. As a result, we are able to reach a widely diverse group of people, helping to heal those who struggle with issues such as poor self-care, eating disorders, depression, anxiety, self-harming behaviors, substance abuse, weight cycling, and relationship violence. We provide body-oriented social emotional education to help young people and adults create positive relationships with their physical selves that allow them to thrive.
A Stanford University pilot study showed that The 5 Competencies of our Be Body Positive Model had a positive effect on participants’ self-reported guilt, beliefs of thin ideal, body satisfaction, and social determinants of body image. Cornell University is currently conducting a pilot study of their adaptation of our Be Body Positive curriculum for colleges. Results will be published soon.

To learn more about how to apply the Be Body Positive Model to your life, purchase our book Embody: Learning To Love Your Unique Body (and quiet that critical voice!)