Be Body Positive High School Programs
“Sometimes there aren’t people to represent you and you can be that person for others. At my high school, I haven’t been able to connect with others who identify like me. I hope that I’m a role model. What motivates me to love myself is that I want people like me, young, queer women of color or bigger-bodied people to be able to love themselves too.”
— Athena Nair, Former high school Be Body Positive student facilitator
It’s no secret that the pressures high school students face are often more intense than anything they’ve dealt with before. In our age of social media, image has become a sort of currency, leaving most teenagers in a desperate frenzy to fit in and climb to the top of the social hierarchy.
Many teenagers believe that they need to “fix” themselves in order to be accepted by others. Through participation in a Be Body Positive group, they uncover and connect with their authentic selves and develop the confidence needed to listen to and express their own truth.
This freedom allows them to follow their intuition in all aspects of their lives, which leads to improved self-care and relationships with others, self-compassion, and many other positive qualities.
The Be Body Positive Facilitator Training is available to both high school staff and students who are passionate about social justice and promoting body positivity in their school community.
50% of teenage girls and 30% of teenage boys use unhealthy weight control behaviors such as skipping meals, fasting, smoking cigarettes, vomiting, and taking laxatives to control their weight.1
Get licensed to start a life-changing group
for your high school students. Learn more.
“What made my Body Positive group special was the connections I made with the members of the group. It was a very close knit circle of people I eventually came to think of as my family.”
— Tyler, Be Body Positive group participant