Embody: Learning to Love Your Unique Body (and quiet that critical voice!) offers hope and a gentle path to self-love. The book’s message is rooted in the belief that people inherently possess the wisdom necessary to make healthy choices and live in balance. It emphasizes that self-love, acceptance of genetic diversity in body size, celebration of the unique beauty of every individual, and intuitive self-care are fundamental to achieving good physical and emotional health.
Embody takes readers through The 5 Competencies of the Be Body Positive Model. Rather than receiving yet another set of prescriptive rules to follow, readers are guided through patient, mindful inquiry to find what works uniquely in their own lives to bring about—and sustain—positive self-care changes and a peaceful relationship with their bodies. The Body Positive Practices at the end of each Competency chapter provide opportunities for readers to bring the work into their daily lives. Many of these practices are designed for groups, which makes Embody an excellent read for book groups.
Connie’s book is a resource one can read cover to cover, and revisit time and again while moving through the inevitable changes that come with being human. A lifeboat in the sea of messages that demean bodies and pollute the world, Embody is a safe haven for all.

Connie is available for book readings and speaking engagements for a variety of audiences, including parent groups, educators, corporations, health professionals, and media. Her audiences enjoy her genuine warmth, humor, engaging manner, and expertise.
Contact us to schedule an event with Connie.
“A beautiful, wise, practical book that will empower a next generation to shed our culture of toxic ideas of perfectionism and bodily dissatisfaction. This book, and the Body Positive movement, are part of a compassionate revolution leading people to greater dignity and empowerment.”
— Dacher Keltner, Ph.D., Founding Director, Greater Good Science Center, UC BerkeleY
“This is a gorgeous book filled with the wondering, awe-filled voices of people who have found they can lovingly care for themselves in their diverse bodies and circumstances. Our world desperately needs to see this is possible—and Connie serves it up in a feast of triumph and celebration.”
— Deb Burgard, Ph.D., FAED, Co-Founder of The Health At Every Size® Model
“Connie makes the quest for self love and acceptance deeply imaginable in a way that lifts the spirit and carries you to a place of hope and endless possibility.”
— Linda Arbus, LCSW, Faculty of the Women’s Therapy Centre Institute, New York
“In spring 2015 I was encouraged by a friend to read Embody. Little did I know how much my outlook on life and myself would change from reading what I now call my “Bible.” I learned about how five simple competencies can truly have a significant impact on how we view ourselves. I was so inspired from reading the book that I attended Connie’s all day workshop in July 2015. I was personally transformed. I learned that acknowledging and embracing my critical voice was the change that was needed within me to trust my inner truth. I now know that everything I need to know is inside me.”
— Angela Girard, Associate Director, Student Health Services, CSULB
“Embody touches the mind and heart as it demonstrates how to gain connection to our inner wisdom. Impressively insightful, an excellent resource!”
— Lela Zaphiropoulos, LCSW, ACSW, Co-Author of Eating Problems
“I absolutely love Embody! The approach is so wise, intuitive, and grounded in solid science and research. I’ve been an eating disorder therapist for several years now and this is one of the best books I’ve read on body image, eating, exercise, and self-care. I’ve recommended it to many clients and colleagues. Connie’s writing has also positively impacted how I take care of myself and treat my own body.”
— Suzanne E. Stambaugh, Ph.D., Assistant Director and Licensed Psychologist, University of South Florida St. Petersburg Wellness Center
“Embody is a powerful addition to the Health at Every Size® community. It brings to life what we know from scientific evidence: people of all sizes can live active and healthy lives—and love themselves, too!”
— Linda Bacon, Ph.D., Author of Health At Every Size
“I have just finished reading Embody. Wow! It was one of the best books that I have ever read on developing a healthy relationship with yourself. I particularly loved the section on self-love. After more than two decades of struggling with an eating disorder, I am in a solid place in my recovery. Embody has cemented this.”
—Julie M., Embody reader
“In Embody, Connie Sobczak brings her years of experience as co-founder and director of The Body Positive alive on every page. Her work offers practical, process-oriented, and gentle support in our journey to reclaim the wisdom and truth of our own bodies.”
— Ruth Gendler, Author of Notes On the Need for Beauty